
Je m'inscris pour contacter lieutenantxyz !

Je m'inscris pour contacter lieutenantxyz !


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Rencontre handicap / Membres / lieutenantxyz

lieutenantxyz, 38 ans, homme, Ajaccio

Quelques mots sur moi

It is feels always a life changing energy to meet people who can show you that you have the right to live a happy life again! I guess this is why I am here... I will look forward to meet anyone with who we can the best stories ever told!

Ce que je recherche sur Idylive

I don't reallly believe in the possibility of meeing a soulmate through online dating... However, I do believe in the fact of knocking in all doors... We never know what might come out!! I am hoping to find a lady who will look past my disability and live together and support together through all times... I see myself as a good lover and very understanding man.... I invest time to understand my girlfriend needs and likes and what she hates... but I also have tough times in which I may appear empty and unable to love... But I can snap back very fast and be bak my old self again.. I just hope to find someone who will be patient with me through my bad times because I can be amazing in my good times!!!

Son profil

168 cm

Son style de vie

L'ambition, L'honnêteté, L'intelligence
Décoration, Jeux de sociétés, Ecrire
Soirée entre amis, Evénement sportif, Discothèque
Documentaire, Action, Comédie
Dance, R'n'B, Classique

Sa personnalité

Ses convictions

Font partie de ma culture
De nouvelles institutions
Ma foi
Est fait pour être partagé
Les énergies renouvelables
Un instant à saisir
Le parfum de la mer
C'est s'intéresser à l'autre

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